Who invited in the hen
Eggs laid carelessly
Left to hollow
Without proper nurturing
All across our floor
Why do we so clumsily trample them
These chards of life and possibility
With insecure steps
So they easily slice at our will
Shattering trust and understanding
Can our solid wood floor
Now saturated with mixed blood and intention
Be swept and mopped to reveal the truth
One egg of unity cradled
Delivering life through this fragility
Eggs laid carelessly
Left to hollow
Without proper nurturing
All across our floor
Why do we so clumsily trample them
These chards of life and possibility
With insecure steps
So they easily slice at our will
Shattering trust and understanding
Can our solid wood floor
Now saturated with mixed blood and intention
Be swept and mopped to reveal the truth
One egg of unity cradled
Delivering life through this fragility